We all love to buy clothing and other various products online. With every passing day, online shopping is becoming the first choice of buyers. These online buying platforms
also improve their trade, providing the buyers with quality stock from good brands, offers, and hassle-free payment modes with at-the-door delivery options.
Not just online, we buy many things from the market that require extensive packaging. However, poor packaging can damage the product during transportation, delivery, or
storage. If any product’s primary or secondary packaging is not sturdy enough, the product inside will get damaged. And if it reaches its destination in poor condition, it will
hamper the company’s name and reputation.
We need proper instruments to ensure the packaging is not lose to prevent all this from happening. However, a Bursting strength tester machine does the job quite well. This
blog will learn everything about this machine and how useful it is.
What is this machine?
A bursting strength tester machine measures bursting strength by applying hydraulic pressure through a rubber diaphragm in a round zone of a creased board under the test.
Now, these machines are available with a two-system: Digital Display and inbuilt hardware and software CD.
This machine also comes with a set of safety switches that ensures that the user can immediately turn it off if there is a technical glitch or electrical fault. In addition, the entire
lab testing machine is made as per the globally recognized standards.
How does it work
- In order to measure the bursting potency, the specimen is gripped between two clamping rings. Just as a corrugated board is stuck using clamps, it is necessary to
use the gripping force in a correct balance to ensure good test results. - Attention should be given to the dynamics of the testing equipment. For example, in a bursting strength tester machine, maximum pressure has to be determined
with total accuracy, and the measurement quickness of the testing must be quite high. - If the results are compared as a lab testing instrument, the measurement speeds must be the same. In addition, a persistent proportionate volume must be maintained during the test with perfect accuracy.
Uses of this machine
The testing instruments measure the resistance to burst materials like paper, paper boards, creased boards, filter cloth, leather, and solid fibers. These tests are also very
helpful as they prove the packing materials’ quality, performance, strength, and durability. Industry experts call these testing procedures the Mullen test as this test procedure
is termed the Mullen burst test.
This lab testing instrument has to adhere to the international standard of
● ASTM D 3786 – 80a
● ASTM D 3786 – 01
So, this is indeed a lifesaver for allocating companies worried about their packaging services earlier. And also, the different brands had to worry about their product quality
getting disturbed because of the inadequate packaging service.
What happens when you buy a good bursting strength tester machine
- Tests are performed under proper conditions at high loading.
- The machine can detect beforehand if the specimen will burst and stop immediately. This reduces the load on the diaphragm extending the life.
- The flow is performed under supervision with a shallow tolerance range and stays constant even at high loading.
- Services performed and proper maintenance design reduces downtime and all associated costs and even reduce servicing time.
- These machines are program-controlled, ensuring that it gives correct results at all times with minimum manual operator interference.
You can buy from any good company, but ensure that all these above points are considered to give you maximum benefit.